
158 Dewdrops on Ox-eye Daisy Sherkin Island

034 Teasel

097 Thrift at Sherkin Point

096 Lichen on coastal rocks, Sherkin Island

161 Closeup of Rosa rugosa by the Lagoon Sherkin Island

099 Trio of Foxglove flowers

060 Bee Orchid

165 Dewdrops on Dandelion seed head

106 Treetops at the lane, Sherkin Island

107 Blue skys over Foxgloves

126 Kidney Vetch and Thrift at Trá Crua, Sherkin Island

182 Portrait of Fuschia flowers, Sherkin Island

178 Hart's-tongue Ferns, Sherkin Island

127 Kidney Vetch – looking out to Cape Clear

052 Ox-eye Daisies

205 Hemlock Water-dropwort - a silhouette, Sherkin Island

191 Blue Bells, Sherkin Island

193 Ribwort Plantain, Sherkin Island

195 Ox-eye Daisy, Sherkin Island

196 Herb Robert, Sherkin Island

197 Ragged Robin, Sherkin Island

199 Sheep's-bit, Sherkin Island

200 Red Clover, Sherkin Island

201 Thrift, Sherkin Island

202 Yellow Rattle, Sherkin Island

204 Hemlock Water-dropwort, Sherkin Island

036 Selfheal

040 Yellow Flag Iris

042 Sea Sandwort