
014 Humpback Whale Fluke SE of Sherkin Island

017 Common Dolphin

062 Puss Moth Caterpillar

098 Fox in a field of Daisies

90 Common Dolphin through bright clear water

061 Six-spot Burnet Moth

068 Humpback Whale Breaching, Sherkin Island 2013

103 Herons at sunset – the Lagoon, Sherkin Island

024 Bottle-nose Dolphins, Baltimore Harbour

054 Jackdaws on gable of ruin

123 Blue Tit with breakfast, Church pillar, Sherkin Island

124 Vixen suckling three cubs, Sherkin Island

125 Two fox cubs running

128 Large Red Damselfly on leaf

177 Little Egret at takeoff, Kinish Harbour, Sherkin Island

180 Crab Spider and fly on Ox-eye Daisy, Sherkin Island

181 Sea Slater, Silver Strand, Sherkin Island

170 A gathering of Starlings, Sherkin Island

120 Take off – Sand Martins on Cow Strand, Sherkin Island

055 Little Egret, Kinish Harbour, Sherkin Island

190 Bee hoovering over Dandelion, Sherkin Island

192 Ladybird on leaf, Sherkin Island

198 Common Blue on Red Clover, Sherkin Island

044 Choughs

045 Black-headed Gull

047 Gannet

032 Green Shank

050 Speckled Wood

025 Brown Hawker Dragonfly

038 Garden Spider (Orb Weaver)

043 Butterfly on Orchid

136 Small Copper butterfly on Daisy

137 Portrait of a fox cub

138 Fox Cub duo – a side view

139 Vixen and cub at play

141 A curious fox cub

142 Flying Bumble Bee on Foxglove

143 Bumble Bee, with pollen basket, on Foxglove

144 Swallow in full flight

145 Male pheasant in full colour

146 Meadow Pipit on Lichen Rock